Colors don’t just make food pretty—they can also be a sign of nutritional power. And purple is mighty. This royal shade comes from anthocyanins—disease-fighting antioxidants. The pigment produces red, blue and violet foods—like purple asparagus and purple tomatoes—depending on the type of anthocyanin (there are hundreds). The high antioxidant content in purple sweet potatoes, in particular, fights inflammation and helps slash heart disease and cancer risk.
Here are a few reasons why you should include purple sweet potatoes in your weekly rotation.
Antioxidant Powerhouse
When it comes to antioxidants, usually the deeper the color, the better. Purple potatoes are chock-full of anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of several chronic diseases. Red- and purple-fleshed potatoes have been found to average 16 to 57 milligrams of anthocyanins per 100 grams (depending on the type of extraction). This is significantly higher than the traditional orange-fleshed sweet potato.
In some instances, how you cook food can influence its antioxidant levels. Researchers looked at what this means for purple potatoes specifically. The biggest antioxidant losses came from stir-frying (60%) and baking (22%), whereas microwaving (6%) and boiling (8%) preserved the most nutrients. Interestingly, air-frying showed a 31% increase in available antioxidants.
This doesn’t mean you should never stir-fry or bake purple potatoes, but to get the most antioxidant bang for your buck, try other cooking methods too, including vacuum-sealed boiling. In one study, researchers compared boiling, steaming and vacuum-sealed boiling to see which preserved the most antioxidants in purple potatoes, and vacuum-sealed boiling came out on top.
Heart Healthy
Purple potatoes’ high antioxidant content translates into impressive heart health benefits. One study investigated how purple potato extract (180 milliliters daily) compared with a common blood pressure medication called captopril. Not only did the purple potato extract significantly improve people’s blood pressure, but it also significantly increased the hypertension-fighting antioxidants (called superoxide dismutase) in people’s blood. Other research in humans and animals has echoed these findings.
To take it a step further, researchers sought to find out how eating whole purple potatoes influenced arterial stiffness, which can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. People in one study were either given 200 g of anthocyanin-packed purple potato (about one medium potato) or 200 g of white potato, which has negligible anthocyanins. After two weeks, blood pressure significantly improved for those eating purple potatoes compared to white potatoes.
Pictured Recipe: Purple Sweet Potato Pie
Cuts Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is a culprit behind many diseases, from heart disease and cancer to diabetes and arthritis. Can purple potatoes help reduce inflammation? One study included in a review of studies showed that when purple potato extract was mixed with yellow potatoes, it positively affected more of the 92 inflammatory markers in healthy men compared to a meal of just yellow potatoes (without the purple potato extract). In another one of the studies, daily consumption (150 g) of purple potatoes for six weeks reduced the inflammatory marker—fasting state C-reactive protein—more than the same amount of white potatoes in healthy individuals.
Several studies have looked at what organs specifically could benefit from the compounds in purple potatoes, namely the liver and kidneys. One study followed 17 healthy men to see how purple potato extract impacted the inflammation that can happen after a large, high-carb meal. Even four hours after eating, the men had improved digestion and reduced levels of post-meal inflammation. Including antioxidant-rich foods, such as purple potatoes, with a meal can help your body get more of what it needs and less of what it doesn’t.
Cancer is a complicated disease, but antioxidants have some promising research to back up their anti-cancer potential. Purple potatoes are no exception. The type of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in purple potatoes have been found to stunt cancer cell growth. This is an exciting implication for a few specific types of cancer.
Baked purple potato and purple potato extract have been shown to slow down one of the regulators for colon cancer growth (called beta-catenin), and inhibit several of its dangerous byproducts from forming. In a similar study, it was found that purple potatoes suppressed interleukin-6, a key regulator of chronic intestinal inflammation and colon cancer. This could be good news for the future treatment of this common cancer type.
Additionally, one study found promising results for purple potatoes’ anthocyanins in targeting and suppressing bladder cancer cells. Though potatoes are no substitute for treatment, their powerful antioxidant compounds do show the potential to help prevent and stall the development of several kinds of cancer cells.
Purple Potato Nutrition
Purple potatoes, also known as purple sweet potatoes, have a lot going for them nutritionally. In addition to antioxidants, they are packed with fiber, vitamin C and potassium, which can help with weight loss, immunity and heart health. The nutrition for one medium purple sweet potato is as follows:
- Calories: 110
- Carbohydrates: 26 g
- Fiber: 4 g
- Added Sugar: 0 g
- Protein: 2 g
- Total Fat: 0 g
- Sodium: 70 mg
- Potassium: 439 mg
The Bottom Line
Purple potatoes have a slew of health benefits, most of which stem from their high antioxidant content. Eating them may help cut down on inflammation and damage that can lead to chronic illnesses, like heart disease and cancer. There are plenty of compelling reasons to get these brightly colored beauties on your plate—and we have several inspirational recipes to help get you started, including Roasted Garlic Mashed Purple Potatoes, German-Style Purple Potato Salad and a purple sweet potato latte.