You may have this vegetable growing in your garden.
The potato is being recognized as the Oregon’s official vegetable.
Senator Bill Hansell (R-Athena), is a co-chief sponsor of Senate Current Resolution 3 (SCR 3) approved in the 2023 Oregon Legislature.
During an induction ceremony hosted by the Oregon Potato Commission in Salem Sept. 23, Hansell made the following statement.
“The hardworking farmers who cultivate this crop are the backbone of our agricultural sector, and today we acknowledge their contributions by elevating the potato to its rightful status,” Hansell said. “It was an honor to sponsor SCR 3 and see this resolution come to life. This is a day of celebration not just for potato growers, but for all Oregonians.”
The potato is one of Oregon’s most important agricultural products, according to Hansel,l with the state ranking number four in potato production nationwide. The industry contributes over $200 million to Oregon’s economy annually.
About 80% of the potatoes in Oregon are processed. This means they are used for foods like frozen French fries and dried mashed potatoes instead of being eaten fresh, according to Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation.
“Roots and tubers were eaten by Native Americans in Oregon before settlers came to the state. But potatoes weren’t grown until 1795. They were planted by the crew of a ship called Ruby on an island in the Columbia River,” the Foundation website states. “More potatoes were planted in 1811, in Astoria this time. There were enough potatoes grown that they could send them further into Oregon than the coast. The first planting in 1811 grew 190 potatoes. By 1835 they’d grown 1,300 bushels. That’s 78,000 pounds. When more settlers started to come to Oregon, potatoes became a main part of their diet and potato farming increased.”
SCR 3 recognizes the potato’s significance to Oregon’s history, economy, and culture, while opening up new marketing opportunities that will help promote Oregon-grown potatoes in both local and national markets.
Potatoes are a vital, versatile, nutritious, and easy-to-use food source.
They are a cost-effective and child-friendly component of K-12 school meals and can play a key role in minimizing plate waste in schools. Potatoes are grown across Oregon, contributing to the state’s health and economic well-being. They represent a crucial piece of Oregon’s diverse and unique agricultural sector; they are the state’s top-selling vegetable and its seventh most valuable agricultural commodity.
Further, Oregon potatoes are exported to international markets, making them a significant component of the state’s international trade. Oregon farmers have donated one million pounds of potatoes annually to the Oregon Food Bank. Senate Current Resolution 3 designates the potato as the official vegetable of Oregon.
For more information on the Oregon Potato Commission and the potato industry’s impact on Oregon, visit https://oregonspuds.com.